
Field Name




HospSeq/DxConf Override (ORHospSeqDxConf)




Over-ride HospSeq/DxConf



The edit, Diagnostic Confirm, Seq Num–Hosp (CoC), does the following:

  • If any case is one of multiple primaries and is not microscopically confirmed or positive lab test/marker study, i.e., Diagnostic Confirmation > 5 and ACoS Sequence Number > 00 (more than one primary), review is required.
  • If Primary Site specifies an ill-defined or unknown primary (C76.0–C76.8, C80.9), no further checking is done. If ACoS Sequence Number is in the range of 60-88, this edit is skipped.

It is important to verify that the non-microscopically-confirmed case is indeed a separate primary from any others that may have been reported. This edit forces review of multiple primary cancers when one of the primaries is coded to a site other than ill-defined or unknown and is not microscopically confirmed or confirmed by a positive lab test/marker study.

  • If this edit is failed and the suspect case is confirmed accurate as coded, and the number of primaries is correct, set the Override HospSeq/DxConf to 1. Do not set the override flag on the patient's other primary cancers.
  • However, if it turns out that the non-microscopically-confirmed cancer is considered a manifestation of one of the patient's other cancers, delete the non-microscopically-confirmed case. Check the sequence numbers of remaining cases, correcting them if necessary. Also check for other data items on the remaining cases that may need to be changed as a result of the corrections, such as stage and treatment.

Instructions for Coding

  • Leave blank if the EDITS program does not generate an error message for the edit Diagnostic Confirm, Seq Num–Hosp (CoC).
  • Leave blank and correct any errors for the case if an item is discovered to be incorrect.
  • Code 1 if a review of all items in the error or warning message confirms that all are correct