
Field Name




Site/TNM-StgGrp Override (ORSiteTNMStgGrp)




Over-ride Site/TNM-StgGrp



The edit, Primary Site, AJCC Stage Group - Edition 6 (COC), checks that the pathologic and clinical AJCC stage group codes are valid for the site and histology group according to the AJCC Cancer Staging Manual, Sixth Edition, using the codes described for the items Clinical Stage Group and Pathologic Stage Group. Combinations of site and histology not represented in any AJCC schema must be coded 88. Unknown codes must be coded 99. Blanks are not permitted.

Since pediatric cancers whose sites and histologies have an AJCC scheme may be coded according to a pediatric scheme instead, Override Site/TNM-Stage Group is used to indicate pediatric cases not coded according to the AJCC manual. Pediatric stage groups should not be recorded in the Clinical Stage Group or Pathologic Stage Group items. When neither clinical nor pathologic AJCC staging is used for pediatric cases, code all AJCC items 88. When any components of either is used to stage a pediatric case, follow the instructions for coding AJCC items and leave Override Site/TNM-Stage Group blank.

Instructions for Coding

  • Leave blank if the EDITS program does not generate an error message for the edit, Primary Site, AJCC Stage Group - Edition 6 (COC).
  • Leave blank and correct any errors for the case if an item is discovered to be incorrect.
  • Code 1 if the case is confirmed to be a pediatric case that was coded using a pediatric coding system.