Override TNM Tis (OverrideTNMTis)




Over-ride TNM Tis




Some computer edits identify errors. Others indicate possible errors that require manual review for resolution. To eliminate the need to review the same cases repeatedly, over-ride flags have been developed to indicate that data in a record (or records) have been reviewed and, while unusual, are correct.

This over-ride is used with the following edits in the NAACCR Metafile of the EDITS software:

  • TNM Clin T, N, M, In Situ (CoC)
  • TNM Path T, N, M, In Situ (CoC)

If the patient has a T value indicating in situ/ noninvasive, this edit verifies that the N, M, and stage group reflect in situ/noninvasive disease. However, there are certain circumstances where AJCC does allow a T value indicating in situ/noninvasive and N, M, and/or stage group that indicates invasive disease. An over-ride is required to accommodate these situations.
This over-ride will allow registrars to enter combination of T, N, and M with a stage group that differs from the combinations documented in the AJCC Staging Manual.

1Reviewed and confirmed as reported
BlankNot reviewed or reviewed and corrected

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