
Field Name




Date Multiple Tumors (DateMultipleTumors)




Date of Mult Tumors



Field Length:  8

This data item is optional effective with 01/01/2013 diagnoses, but remain required for diagnoses in 2007-2012.

This data item is effective with cases diagnosed January 1, 2007 onward.  It is used to identify the month, day, and year the patient is diagnosed with multiple tumors reported as a single primary.  Use the multiple primary rules for that specific site to determine whether the tumors are a single primary or multiple primaries. 


Record the date in month, day, year format (MMDDCCYY) that the patient was diagnosed with multiple tumors reported as a single primary.

Special Codes




Single tumor


Information regarding multiple tumors is not applicable for this cancer (lymphoma, leukemia, immunoproliferative disease, and unknown primary)


Unknown date

Coding Instructions

1.  When multiple tumors are present at diagnosis, record the date of diagnosis.

Example 1:  The patient has multiple tumors; a 2cm infiltrating duct carcinoma in the LIQ and a 1cm infiltrating duct carcinoma in the UIQ of the left breast.  According to the breast multiple primary rules, these tumors are accessioned as a single primary.  Enter the date of diagnosis in Date of Multiple Tumors.

Example 2:  Operative report for TURB mentions multiple bladder tumors.  Pathology report: Papillary transitional cell carcinoma present in tissue from bladder neck, dome, and posterior wall.  According to the Bladder, Renal Pelvis, and Ureter multiple primary rules these tumors are accessioned as a single primary.  Enter the date of diagnosis in Date of Multiple Tumors.

2.  When subsequent tumor(s) are counted as the same primary, record the date the second/subsequent tumor was diagnosed.  Update the multiplicity counter at this time.

Example:  Patient has an excisional biopsy of a single tumor in the soft palate on January 2, 2007.  The pathology shows clear margins.  Record 01 in the Multiplicity Counter field.  On July 10, 2007, another tumor is excised from the soft palate.  The multiple primary rules for head and neck state that this tumor is the same primary.  Change the 01 in Multiplicity Counter to 02 and enter 07102007, the date the second tumor was diagnosed, in Date of Multiple Tumors.

3.  Leave this field blank for cases diagnosed prior to 1/1/2007.