OrganizationField NameIDRequired
KCRComputed Ethnicity (CompEthnicity)10210No
NAACCRComputed Ethnicity200No
KCRComputed Ethnicity Source (CompEthnicSrc)10220No
NAACCRComputed Ethnicity Source210No

This field contains codes identifying ethnicity as determined by a software algorithm or computer list-based method to identify cancer patients’ ethnicity based on last name or maiden name. The effective date for implementation of this field is for cases diagnosed January 1, 1995, and after.

There are two parts to this field:

                                    Computed Ethnicity

                                    Computed Ethnicity Source

10210 - Computed Ethnicity:                                                                                    

Field Length: 1



0No match was run for 1995 and later cases
1Non-Hispanic last name and non-Hispanic maiden name
2Non-Hispanic last name, didn’t check maiden name (or male)
3Non-Hispanic last name, missing maiden name
4Hispanic last name, non-Hispanic maiden name
5Hispanic last name, didn’t check maiden name (or male)
6Hispanic last name, missing maiden name
7Hispanic maiden name (females only) (regardless of last name)
Blank1994 and earlier cases

10220 - Computed Ethnicity Source:                                                                     

Field Length: 1

0No match was run for 1995 and later cases
1Census Bureau list of Spanish surnames, NOS
21980 Census Bureau list of Spanish surnames
31990 Census Bureau list of Spanish surnames
4GUESS program
5Combination list including South Florida names
6Combination of Census and other locally generated list
7Combination of Census and GUESS, with or without other lists
8Other type of match
9Unknown type of match
Blank1994 and earlier cases