Please visit Instructional Videos, Presentations, and Walkthroughs for a video walkthrough of these new features.

This page is to demonstrate the capabilities for populating patient data using a pathology report. Please refer to this page to see how we arrived at this workflow.

You may read through this guide or hop to a specific topic using the following table of contents:

  1. Pathology Report Search
  2. Copying Discrete Pathology Data to the Patient
  3. Resetting Patient Data Panel
  4. Validating an Address
  5. Patient Data Panel Fields' Description
  6. Creating the Patient
  7. Sample Errors
  8. Additional Features
    1. CPDMS Field Definitions
    2. Search Combo Boxes
    3. Customizable Interface Options
      1. Resize Interface Panels
      2. Pathology Details Grid Panel Features

Pathology Report Search: 

After searching over the patient SSN (987-65-4321), Last Name (PATLAST), First Name (PATFIRST), and Date of Birth (04/04/1965), CPDMS is directed to a page similar to the image below.

CPDMS first searches for the pathology reports, and it will show the following load screen:

In this example we are creating a patient with the SSN, Last Name, First Name, and Date of Birth of "987-65-4321", "PATLAST", "PATFIRST", "04/04/1965" highlighted in the orange box. 

The facility and username are also displayed in the blue boxes.

The SSN, Last Name, First Name, and Date of Birth cannot be changed from this point. This is similar to the original workflow. If you need to change any of these fields please hit the "Back" button located in the upper left corner of the page.

There are two pathology reports found in the registry, shown below highlighted by the red box. The green background shows which fields in the pathology report match with the ones searched by the registrar denoted in the orange box.

NOTE EXAMPLE: Sometimes what we search doesn't match exactly with what is in the pathology database. If the abstractor searched over SSN = "987114321" and DOB = 19651104 as denoted by green box. The mismatched fields will show up in red as denoted by the orange boxes.

Selecting A Pathology Report: 

Once the search has been loaded, the first report is automatically selected. When a report is selected, it populates the pathology's narrative text in the "Selected Pathology Report Text Area" panel denoted in green . The discrete data items available are populated in the CPDMS Data Entry fields denoted in blue. The Pathology Report Id is inserted into the header of both blue and green panels.  In this example the Pathology Report Id is "IM17-6332". 

An abstractor can click through the list of reports in order to find the one that matches the patient they wish to create.

The pathology reports are initially sorted from most recent til oldest according to the Specimen Date.

EDIT: There is now a new column for the match score of a pathology report. The reports are now sorted by the match score column.

Copying the Discrete Pathology Data to the Patient Data: 

If we find that the first patient in our scenario is the right one, we can copy the information over to the "Patient Data" panel denoted below in red by clicking the "Copy Pathology Data" button denoted in blue.

When the patient data is copied over from the path report, a few conversions happen:

  1. All data values are Upper Cased
  2. The Sex value in the pathology report is converted to the respective KCR encoding if the encoding can be found/applied
  3. The Race value in the pathology report is converted to the respective KCR encoding if the encoding can be found/applied
  4. The Ethnicity value in the pathology report is converted to the respective KCR encoding if the encoding can be found/applied
  5. The Country field in the "Patient Data Panel" denoted in red is calculated based on the pathology report's State value.
  6. The Zip Extension is not provided in the pathology report, so this will not be populated.
  7. The Zip Extension can be populated using the "Validate Address" function of this application which is discussed later.

These conversions are not perfect. The CPDMS development team will rely on abstractors to double check the conversions. The development teams asks users to report incorrect conversions when discovered.

Social Security Number, Last Name, and First Name will remain the same even if the Pathology Report values differ. The Date of Birth will remain the same if and only if it was entered in the search as well. If it is not, a Date of Birth field will be displayed in the Patient Data and Pathology Data Panels. If you do not include the Date of Birth in the search, the interface will include the DOB field

We notice there is an error displayed in the Patient Data Panel. In this example this message appears due to the period, ".", character appearing in the middle name. The NAACCR standard does not accept special characters like ".", "-", etc. However, the standard states the abstractor may change the invalid character as they see fit. The development team wants users to change values according to their preference, so these special characters are copied over as well. The application will leave the abstractor to change them before creation. We will remove the "." for this workflow.

The Reset Button:

Every field shown can be reset at the same time by hitting the "Reset" button denoted in orange.

The SSN, Last Name, and First Name will remain unchanged. The Date of Birth will remain unchanged as well if it was used during the search process.

The Validate Address Button:
User's can check the address provided against the CPDMS geocoder by hitting the "Validate Address" button denoted below in green.

When this search button is click it will pop up the "Validate Address" window denoted below in blue. Initially, the user will see a loading message as shown in the image below.

 SInce this address does not exist, an error will show displaying the cause. The user is allowed to keep the original value by clicking the "Cancel" button denoted below in red

Or the user could enter another valid address, click "Validate" to search again, click the valid result and hit the "Accept" button denoted in green

For the rest of this explanation we will continue to use the original fake address provided.

The Patient Data Panel Fields: 

An abstractor can change the fields in the "Patient Data" panel if necessary, but these changes will be overwritten if the "Copy Pathology Data" button is clicked again.

Drop down fields are provided for:

For fields that do not have the toggle button, Users can trigger the drop down by pressing the "Down Arrow" on their keyboard if their cursor is in the respective field.

  1. Sex:
  2. Date of Birth:  (This will only appear if you do not search over Date of Birth. Please notice the inclusion of the Date of Birth fields in the Patient Data Panel and the Selected Pathology Report Data Panel)
  3. Each Race Field:

  4. Ethnicity:
  5. State:

  6. and Country:

The Create Button:

Once the user reviews the data in the "Patient Data" panel, they can hit the "Create" button denoted in green

This will direct the user to the "Patient Data Edit" screen below.  The data entered in the "Patient Data" panel will then be populated for final review. 


As with all software, errors can occur: some intended, some not. This new feature does its best to display the necessary information to the abstractor when an error occurs.

Here are some examples a user may encounter:

Errors that prevent the user from continuing their workflow:

In the example below the user's session has expired. This would only occur if the user sat at this page for over a half hour without progressing. 

A small identifiable feature in the "Alert Window" is the font color of the "Error Title". If the title is red, this denotes an error which prevents any progress of the user workflow. If it is black, the user can proceed as normal as this case is more of a warning than an error.

Upon hitting okay the "Create" button will be disabled, and the user should either close out of the browser or hit the "Back" button.

Invalid value in field:

This can show it a few ways:

  1. The invalid message is shown below the field:
  2. The invalid message is denoted by the red line, and the messsage is shown when you use your cursor to hover over the field.
  3. In a new window if you hit the "Create" button:

    The "Error Title" here is in black, this means the user may progress with their workflow. In this case they just need to correct the invalid values.

Additonal Features: 

CPDMS Field Definitions:

Each field has a link beside it which will direct the user via a new browser window to the Kentucky Cancer Registry's Registrar Manual to the respective field's page. 

Search Combo Boxes: 

There are multiple combo boxes in the Patient Data panel that have type ahead assist. As the user enters in data in the field, the field will search the available values.

Below shows the user entering in "1" for the Male code. Only "1 - Male" is displayed. The second image shows the user entering in "MA", there are multiple values available for "MA". The user can use the Up and Down, Tab or Enter Key to pick and choose respectively what values they would like to fill.

Searching over the Text Value only works for the Sex and Ethnicity field. Searching over the Code will work in the Sex, Race 1-5, Ethnicity, State, and Country fields. 

You can also hit the Down key to bring up the available values for these combo boxes as well.

Auto-fill Race Fields:

The Patient Data Panel will auto fill Race fields 2-5 when Race field 1 is populated with "01" (White), "02" (Black), and "99" (Unknown). 

Customizable Interface Options: 

There are many ways to change the appearance of this application. The following are a list of items that can be modified. They will automatically be saved, so every adjustment made will be seen the next time the application is launched.

Resize Interface Panels:

There are two borders which split the application in a couple sections. The user can moves border by using the cursor to hover over the borders followed by clicking and dragging the border to their specified place.

  1. The border between the "Pathology Details Grid Panel" and the "Selected Pathology Report Text Panel"

2. The border between the Upper and Lower Panels that split the "Patient Data Panel" and "Pathology Report Data Panel" from the "Pathology Details Grid Panel" and "Selected Pathology Report Text Panel".

You can also click the  button, and it will collapse the bottom sections.

Click the  to snap the panel back into view.

Pathology Details Grid Panel Features: 

The Pathology Details Grid Panel is highly customizable. Each adjustment will be saved automatically. Once a user has set their ideal grid layout, they will not have to worry about changing it again (unless their browser's cookies are cleared).

  1. Add/Remove new columns:
    1. By default, the columns displayed are SSN, Full Name (Last, First Middle), and Date of Birth. 
    2. There is a lengthy list of columns available to display in the Details Grid.  This list is shown in the image below. Not all available columns are included in the application. If a user needs additional data items, feel free to ask the CPDMS Development team to add them. This is not difficult.
    3. How to add/remove
      1. Hover cursor over any column header. You will notice a down arrow appear.
      2. Click the down arrow.
      3. A menu will drop down. Click the last item, "Columns".
      4. Check/uncheck the columns you wish to add/remove.
  2. Reorder columns:
    1. It is easy to reorder the columns. Just click and hold the column header you wish to move, and drag and drop it to the desired position in the grid. In this example I click, drag, and drop the Date of Birth field between the SSN and Full Name fields.
  3. Adjust column width
    1. Users can adjust a column's width by clicking and dragging the divider between column headers. The cursor will look similar to 
  4. Sorting fields (2 methods):
    1. Columns display the way the are sorted by a  and  next to the header text. In the example in 4b the headers are sorted Full Name (Last Name) ascending (Z to A) and Date of Birth descending (oldest to youngest)
    2. A user can click the header of the column they wish to sort over:
    3. Navigating to the Column header menu by using the cursor to hover over the column header and clicking the . The user then selects either "Sort Ascending" or "Sort Descending" from the menu.

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