The Cancer Patient Data Management System ( is a comprehensive, web-based application for collecting, managing and analyzing information related to the diagnosis and treatment of cancer patients in Kentucky. was developed by the Kentucky Cancer Registry (KCR) to provide individual hospitals with the ability to monitor the type of cancer patients seen in the hospital, the extent of disease at diagnosis, the type of diagnostic procedures used and the type of therapy provided. enables hospital registries to follow cancer patients over time. Data on all known medical intervention and the health status of each patient can be periodically recorded using  These data allow individual hospitals to examine both the use of various diagnostic and therapeutic resources as well as the potential effect of these resources on patient survival.

 is designed for independent and autonomous use by individual health care facilities. However, a central repository of data on all cancer patients diagnosed and treated in Kentucky has been established in the Kentucky Cancer Registry. This central data base allows for the calculation and publication of cancer incidence rates for the entire state of Kentucky, as well as for smaller geographic regions within the state.

 includes complete documentation. This abstractor's manual describes each data item which will be collected and precise instruction regarding how the information is to be coded. Mandatory data items are identified by using all UPPER CASE letters in the variable name. Optional items are shown in upper and lower case letters in the item's name. A list of all of the data items in may be obtained here. The KCR website also contains a printable copy of the abstract form ( Abstract Form 2017). On the form, mandatory items are in bold faced type. In addition, a operator's manual has been developed. The operator's manual contains step-by-step instructions for performing each function of this registry software.

 is a valuable tool for any hospital wishing to develop and maintain a high quality cancer care program. The application meets all of the requirements for an American College of Surgeons approved cancer program and all of the requirements for the National Cancer Institute’s SEER Program. Regional coordinators are available through the KCR to assist hospitals using in setting up their registry, training personnel, abstracting data and analyzing the information.